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Swish Society

Applications CURRENTLY OPEN for BOISE, ID Chapter 

waitlisT for VIRTUAL GATHERING Starting jULY 2022


Who are we?

Swish Society is a year-long experience of exclusively accepted aspirational, independent women exploring ​and defining our unique strengths to make our aspirations easy and achievable.


Our members gather bi-weekly at the city's most luxury locations to stand before the group and work through their specific strategy and mindset. They communally encourage one another with their experiences and learn more together than alone. 


Routinely members hear from the nations leading topical experts and achieve direct access to their network. Throughout the year, members are invited to exclusive pop-up remote worker gatherings, mini-conferences and other bonuses including a year-end celebration of their accomplishments with a fun tropical trip.

We Are NOT

  • Another hype club

  • An online course

  • Group Coaching

  •  Only a Networking Group

  • a tens-of-thousands-dollar investment 

We Are

  • A haven for women from all walks of life

  • A community of like-minded independent aspirational women

  • Centered around exploring HOW you can do something rather than giving you the ENCOURAGEMENT to do so

  • Believers that every woman has a unique calling

  •  Believers in Truth, Goodness and Beauty

  • Celebrating elegance in womanhood and hard work

Best Friends

We are Aspirational Women Pursuing Elegance to Transform the World with our Unique Voice.

In this 12 Month Long Experience we will go deeper in...

Bi-Weekly Gatherings

Every 2 Weeks we meet at a luxury location to highlight each member and work through their particular challenge.

Pop-Up Remote Work Groups

Find your remote office here, with the best co-workers you could want. Pop-up meetings throughout the month are posted to the FB group!


Get in the room with Industry leading experts in personal and professional development. Access them and their knowledge.

Life Long Friends

Members join Swish Society for the knowledge and stay for the friends. This tight-knit community inspires and engages one another unlike any society 

group on the planet!

Elegance | noun : Complexity Made Simple


I've Got Your Back...

Hello! I'm Hannah Owens Brusven, Founder of The Swish Company and Swish Society. 


If you are tired of hype culture telling you that you can do something simply because you are a woman, you are in the right place. That's old news! We know what we are capable of and want some good hearty direction. 


I created The Swish Company in 2017 out of a desire for a community of women to call home. In most every networking and marketing group for women, we are constantly told women are "Made for More!" and "Have a Place in the Room!" and "Need to believe in themselves!"- and these messages are all good and true, and should be the first recognition when preparing to accomplish ambitions. HOWEVER, most of these accolades come with little strategy, a lot of woke-free agendas, and lacking deeply thoughtful conversation. I found myself eager to pursue deep relationships with fellow women in all walks of life, but was challenged to find environments that fostered deep thought and truly helpful advice.  Particularly as a woman working from home in a post-COVID world, finding these contacts was difficult. Thus, I created a society as a part of my brand Swish that would bring the foremost female minds together to inspire and encourage one another...


Enter Swish Society.


If you are desiring a woke-free female environment, jam-packed with knowledge, accountability, and true friendship, where you can feel truly confident and savvy in your business acumen-- WELCOME HOME. 


Personal Details

Newlywed based out of Eagle, ID. Met my husband in college, now we live in a townhouse and work hard so we can travel a lot.

Big fan of Audrey Hepburn, Candace Owens, Ivanka Trump, Kate Middleton, Stilettos,  Covent Garden, Tiffany & Co, and the First Amendment

Always down for a glass of Prosecco and discussing theology, politics or something else controversial. 

My passion is helping creative confident young women transform the world using their unique voice by putting relevance back in elegance.

If that sounds like you, I'd love to hear more of your story and see you in our society!


While most exclusive society yearly memberships charge $20,000-$100,000+ for 12 months, it is important to us that you are able to access the exact group and environment that you crave, so you can integrate into the Swish community and gain answers to your most pressing issues without a time constraint, especially when you are starting out with defining your ambition. 


Therefore, we created a society that can do just that. 

Apply Today and We Will be IN touch about Next steps 

No events at the moment
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